Earn Your Merit Badge at Potomac Pediatrics

Led by Coach Allison, our Merit Badge Counselor, Health Coach, and First aid/CPR/AED instructor with the American Red Cross.

First Aid Merit Badge

What is First Aid? Help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available. Your scout will identify, discuss, explain, and demonstrate all requirements for this first aid badge.

Each scout will receive a first aid kit that includes:

  • 6 Adhesive bandages
  • 2 3-by-3-inch sterile gauze pads
  • 1 roll of adhesive tape
  • 1 3-by-6-inch moleskin
  • 1 travel size of hand sanitizer
  • 1 tube of triple antibiotic ointment
  • 1 pair of medical scissors
  • 1 CPR breathing barrier
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 note pad

Course running time will depend on participation. Allow 4 to 4.5 hours

* We do not review First Aid- Rank Requirements*

Upcoming Seminars:


Personal Fitness Merit Badge

Receive your Personal Fitness Merit Badge now with our Merit Badge Counselor and Health Coach Allison. With her help, each scout will reach a new understanding of what personal fitness means and all components involved. After completion, each scout will receive their signed off merit badge application to turn into their troop leader.

Upcoming Seminars:


Other Classes & Seminars You May Be Interested In:

CPR/AED/First Aid Certification

To learn more About POPFitness with Coach Allison Click Here